Kamen Rider Blade Episode 13 Subtitle Indonesia

"Perangkap Benang Emas"
"Kin'iro no Ito no Wana" (金色の糸の罠)

Blade and Garren fight over who will seal the Category Ace and it escapes. Later than night it disperses tiny spiders into the wind. The Lion Undead appears and is kidnapping those that a tiny spider has attached to. Blade saves a young boy named Mutsuki Kamijo from being abducted. Garren and Chalice encounter each other on their way to find the Category Ace. Isaka arrives to help Garren and they send Chalice down a ravine.

Link Download Kamn Rider Blade Episode 13 Subtitle Indonesia
Translator: Bocah Amerika
Encode & Uploader: Kak AO
Typeset: Opa Mou
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