Kamen Rider Blade Episode 11 Subtitle Indonesia

"Keberadaan Masing-Masing"
"Onōno no Ibasho" (各々の居場所)

Garren arrives to fight Blade and overpowers him until Shirai intervenes. Aikawa hunts down the Jaguar Undead but is unsuccessful. Sayako meets Kenzaki and tells everyone of the plant she found on Tachibana. She is later attacked by the Undead and Blade arrives to save her. While Blade was sealing the Jaguar Undead, Garren goes to fight the Category Ace Spider Undead.

Link Download Kamn Rider Blade Episode 11 Subtitle Indonesia
Translator: Bocah Amerika
Encode & Uploader: Kak AO
Typeset: Opa Mou
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HP Mirror 1  || Mirror 2

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