Kamen Rider Blade Episode 14 Subtitle Indonesia

"Ace Tersegel"
"Ēsu Fūin!" (エース封印!)

Blade finds Aikawa at the bottom of the ravine and tends to his wounds. The Category Ace continues hunt people and spread spiders. Sayoko confronts Tachibana about his treatments from Isaka. While Tachibana seals the Category Ace, Isaka hunts down Sayoko. When Isaka demands the Ace card, Garren refuses and is defeated. Aikawa discovers that the Kurihara family is kidnapped by the Dragonfly Undead.

Link Download Kamn Rider Blade Episode 14 Subtitle Indonesia
Translator: Bocah Amerika
Encode & Uploader: Kak AO
Typeset: Opa Mou
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