Kamen Rider Build Episode 03 Subtitle Indonesia

(正義のボーダーライン Seigi no Bōdārain)

A man named Nabeshima appears within Ryuga's false murder case. He was the man who sent Ryuga to the house of the murder by using his girlfriend. Kagami and that man were the ones who injected Ryuga with the tranquilizing serum in order to take him towards the Human Body Experimentation Sector. In other words, there is a high possibility that there is a connection between the scientist's murder case and the Smash experiments. But how do we confirm this information on Nabeshima? Just when everyone was desperate for information, someone unexpected calls him by name. It was Misora!

Link Download Kamen Rider Build Episode 03 Subtitle Indonesia
Original Subs: Overtime 
Logo Maker: Kamen Rider Black
Translator: Kak AO
Encoder & Uploader: Opa Mou
HP : Mirror 1 || Mirror 2
SD : Mirror 1 || Mirror 2
HD : Mirror 1 || Mirror 2
Back up link : Pastebin 

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