Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Episode Final Subtitle Indonesia

Journey's End Part 3
Trakeena uses the coccoon, and emerges as a slimy insectoid monster. Down on the new world, the Rangers continue searching for Leo, who finds the Scorpion Stinger, and follows Trakeena's slime trail all the way to the city dome. Trakeena spikes her staff into the ground, energizing everything, and powering up the city dome. The city dome lifts off, and heads for the new world to destroy the camp set up by the people. Trakeena confronts Leo, and the two battle it out. Leo is no match against Trakeena's new powers. When the Rangers find out that Leo is in the city dome, they fly there on the Jammers and help him fight Trakeena. They unleash the Quasar Launchers, but they are of no use - Trakeena easily deflects the blast back at them. Maya and Karone grab a hold of Trakeena and set her up for an attack by Leo in his Red Capsular Cycle. The attack tosses Trakeena aside, but she is still not down. Leo transforms into Red Armored Power Ranger and grabs Trakeena with a claw. He pulls her in close and fires at point blank range. The Rangers think Leo has been killed, as the explosion seemingly destroyed Trakeena and him, but Leo crawls out of the wreckage. The city dome is still headed for the camp on the new world, and the Rangers have no idea how to stop it! The Galaxy Megazord finally appears, and attempts to steer the city dome away from a collision course with the camp. It crashes in the distance, and explodes. Just as the people begin to think that the Rangers are dead, they emerge from the smoke with the Galactabeasts, alive and well. As the Rangers head towards camp, the people run towards the Rangers, and congratulate their saviors on a job well done. The Galactabeasts call the Rangers into the forest, where Maya makes a surprising discovery - they have landed on Mirinoi! With their quest completed, the Rangers find the stone and the place the Quasar Sabers back into it. The energy from the Sabers restores the people of Mirinoi, who had been previously turned to stone by Furio, and brings Kendrix Morgan back from the dead; she thanks Karone for filling in for her. Everyone celebrates under the fireworks, including the Galactabeasts. A new world, a new beginning.

Link Download Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Episode Final Subtitle Indonesia
Translator 'kak Ardiansyah
Encode & Uploader 'kak Ardiansyah
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