Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Episode 43 Subtitle Indonesia

Journey's End Part 1
Deviot returns to the Scorpion Stinger, begging Trakeena to take him back. She isn't falling for his charm this time, and sticks Villamax on him. The battle leads to the storage area, where Deviot grabs Trakeena and plunges into the coccoon with her. Villamax helplessly watches. A single being emerges. Trakeena and Deviot have fused into one! It is mostly Trakeena, with a few shades of Deviot. With only one good engine left, Stanton decides that the colony must land. He shows high command, and the citizens, a new, nearby world he has discovered, prefect for human life. As Terra Venture prepares to land, it is attacked by the Scorpion Stinger. It blasts away at the lesser domes. Leo gets an idea. He and Damon steal a case of explosives from a Terra Venture cargo truck. Damon lures the Scorpion Stinger into following him as he runs down one of the access tubes. The Stinger's pinchers nearly miss Damon while Leo sneaks up on a pincer and plants the explosive on it. Both Rangers make tracks as it counts down. The bomb blows up in the Stinger's face, hurling it off into space, away from the colony. With all engines destroyed, Terra Venture is forced to crash land on a moon. The main city dome detaches, as the rest is destroyed. The citizens of the colony try to pick up the pieces from the crash. But they aren't safe yet - the dome is cracking, and won't hold out much longer. Commander Stanton makes a command decision to evacuate Terra Venture. Trakeena prepares all of the remaining Sting Wingers for a massive invasion by strapping explosives to them, and having them self-destruct and destroy anything they latch onto. Everyone is rounded up into shuttles to begin evacuation to the new world. Trakeena gleefully watches as Terra Venture nears its doom.

Link Download Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Episode 43 Subtitle Indonesia
Translator 'kak Ardiansyah
Encode & Uploader 'kak Ardiansyah
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