Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Episode 07 Subtitle Indonesia

Double Duty
The Rangers notice in a magazine that a famous actress named Carolyn looks a lot like Kendrix. They go and investigate to see if she does. Once near, a monster named Wise Wizard attacks a camera, that Carolyn and her crew were using, in hopes of finding the Lights Of Orion. In the chaos, the monster attacks Kendrix's leg but she feels fine after a little while, whilst Carolyn fakes a leg injury, so her manager asks Kendrix to take over until her leg gets better. She agrees, but doesn't do a great job. After the pain from her leg comes back at the last scene, she is determined to finish it, and just as she does the Wise Wizard turns up again, destroying another one of their cameras. With the help of the other Rangers and the Galactabeasts, they destroy Wise Wizard.

Link Download Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Episode 07 Subtitle Indonesia
Translator 'kak Ardiansyah
Encode & Uploader 'kak Ardiansyah
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