Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Episode 02 Subtitle Indonesia

Quasar Quest Part 2
Kai feels guilty about leaving his fellow teammates behind, and decides to go after them aboard the Astro Megaship which is now a museum. The ship's mechanic Damon, along with Alpha 6, doesn't think that the ship will fly as it has been out of action for so long. But after a while Damon lends a helping hand and the Astro Megaship is flying once again. While in deep space, they find another wormhole and go through it. Meanwhile Leo has caught up with Mike, Maya and Kendrix. They try to help Maya's townspeople fight off Furio and the Sting Wingers. During the fight with Scorpius, Mike takes the Quaser Saber out of the rock with great ease, which then prompts Maya, Kai, Kendrix and Damon to do the same, also with great ease, showing that they are the chosen ones. Furious that he cannot have the Quaser Sabers, Furio turns the people of Mironoi to stone. Mike, Leo, Kai, Damon, Maya and Kendrix manage to escape, but then Furio appears and creates a huge crevice in the ground, leaving Mike hanging on to the side of the wall. Leo comes to help but only manages to save the Quasar Saber. With Mike gone, the five brave heroes morph in Power Rangers and battle off Furio and the remaining Sting Wingers. The Megaship escapes just as the remainder of Mirinoi turns to stone, and takes the new Rangers back to Terra Venture, which sets off on its long journey. Scorpius however follows the Rangers through the portal and swears revenge on the Rangers and Terra Venture.

Link Download Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Episode 02 Subtitle Indonesia
Translator 'kak Ardiansyah
Encode & Uploader 'kak Ardiansyah
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